Sunday, January 5, 2014

Reflecting on 2013...a year in pictures

2013 was a year of change. Of endings and beginnings, new opportunities and adventures.

Newly engaged at the beginning of 2013, life was a whirlwind of pre-martial counseling, reading books, and wedding planning.

Dustin made the move from his farmtown home to the city where I abided in February, settling into the home we would share once married.

I shifted careers throughout the year, leaving my part-time office job and part-time Kid's Club Attendant positions for a part-time Infant Teacher job which finally led to a promotion to full-time 
Lead Toddler Teacher.

On March 23, 2013 the long-awaited wedding finally arrived.

©Hope Photography

©Hope Photography

©Hope Photography

Our honeymoon was at a Bed and Breakfast on the coast of Inverness, CA/Tomales Bay.

I moved out of my first "official" place that was all mine =)

And into our new, much smaller, home together.

We attempted to plant a garden, which didn't really work.

 Despite lots of craziness, AngelInk Illuminations with Candice continued to grow and spark lots of new ideas and writing projects.

In summer, Dustin was baptized!

 And with all the changes and work and life, we ended up with our first Christmas upon us.

And my year ended with a wonderful adventure to Southern California with Candice, where I got to see Vanguard University, the school I will be studying online through for continuing education teaching credits.

 2013 was quite a year. It has gone quickly, but it has been good. May 2014 bring new adventures and excitement!