Monday, November 15, 2010

The Power of Testimony

Three weeks ago I had the opportunity to share my life story with a small group of young adults. All eyes were on me as I opened my heart about the painful experiences I'd been through and how God is putting my broken pieces back together.

I held back tears and became vulnerable while the silence filled the room. It was difficult, even though I've shared my testimony on several occasions because I feared that I would be judged and would lose the group's approval.

No such thing happened, of course. In fact, last weekend at a retreat, one of the girls shared that some of the things I had said had stayed with her for two weeks. As she cried, I cried and felt the warmth of value surround me. See, I have a fear of not being heard, not being noticed and not being valued for who I truly am. Hearing that my story impacts people is the greatest gift anyone could ever give me because it means my pain is worth it. I am making a difference because of where I have been. I am not defined by my past, but it is a part of me, shaping me, making me stronger.

"You're either in a storm, going into one or coming out of one. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain."

Keep persevering. Your day's just begun.


Shaunie Friday said...

Knowing that God has used you to bless another life is such an amazing feeling. And you're right, it gives a sense of purpose to the storms we have weathered, even to the one you might be in at the moment! Keep Dancing Laura!!

Julie said...

Love this Laura<3 I feel the same way; hearing someone say your testimony touched them makes all the pain worth it. I hope one day, I can hear your story. Your love for God is so evident and I look forward to hearing more from you throughout the year :) you're awesome!!!

Mylene said...

God never wastes a hurt, my friend! The more we share our stories, the more we realize we are not alone in our experiences and hurts. And that sharing ourselves is part of the healing process. Keep dancing in the rain and to God be the glory!!!!

Laura Noelle said...

Thank you for the inspiring and encouraging words! It means a lot to me to have your wonderful support. Many Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Keep on telling your story, Laura, God is blessing you and others when you open up the hurt and become transparant..most of us have experienced pain but most are afraid to share...when we share we unwrap the layers of denial and we become more open to Gods healing and are a beautiful, wonderful young woman.
Jean Campbell