Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Intentional Pregnancy Project - Episode 2

Episode 2: When to Start a Family

Starting a family is a very personal decision, but one that everyone has an opinion on. Some cultures have norms and expectations, in addition to many religions and even family groups. In society today, it's common for people to push marriage and children into the "later in life" category. Some by choice, some by circumstance and some by necessity. But if I have learned one thing from the experience of being married young-ish (I was 24 and he was 21) and talking about children in our first few years of marriage, I've learned that people are quite open about encouraging you to wait. I used to be very offended when people told me to wait 4-5 years or until I was 30, because I want children way before then! I am not trying to build a career outside the home--I greatly desire to be home and raise a family. However, I quickly discovered that when people told me to wait, they were sharing their story of what they did, or wish they had done. 

I believe that it is valid to put off starting your family until you feel right about it, regardless of whether you work outside or inside the home and where you desire to be once you have a family. Timing is not an issue that anyone can decide for you. Certainly concerned observations can be made, but it requires careful consideration and evaluation on your part. And only you and your partner get to decide when you're ready.

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